Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And the bubble gets smaller..

As you grow older there are several things that come into your scope of activities. Unfortunately many that we don't actually like - responsibilities, bills, money, family obligations, attending functions, the ticking of the biological clock which is directly correlated to marriage and so on. One of the most despised things from my end is the shrinking sample size of boys.

Today when I look at a guy on the road, there are several things that run in my mind .. though I am doing nothing but just 'looking' at him.

Optimistic Scenario:

  • Maybe he is doing his masters.. so must be around my age.. well..
  • Whoa - I didn't know guys had a sense of fashion.

Pessimistic Scenario:

  • Look at his outfit - must be in college or maybe just out of college.. either way out of my league
  • Seems preoccupied .. must have a girlfriend

Most Pessimistic Scenario:

  • In some angle he looks like he is in school
  • Observe his body language.. he's a toddler!
  • Walks like a wet dog
  • Too much attitude! he is SO rejected!

Worst case scenario

  • His wife is standing behind him

This was SO not the case when I was in college, everyone was eligible.. age was not the area of concern it was more of how he looks. Now the guys who come into my bubble should be above 25 years of age, taller than me (big problem), SINGLE, NOT married, decent looking, sensible, hell.. what am I thinking??.. my bubble just shrunk to the size of a peanut.. and *pop* it just burst.

- The genuine ramblings of an 'adult girl' (seems like an oxymoron by itself)

Where are the boys I say!


P.S - I think now you know why my previous post turned out to be one helluva imaginative post.


bin said...

Personally I'm okay with guys below 25 years of age..and I can't see you disagreeing :-)

Abhinav said...

"Seems preoccupied .. must have a girlfriend" .... I think this thinking has ruined our lives.

Priya said...

@Bin - sedup bin.. u r banned from commenting on my blog

@Abhinav - Ha ha :D must be the case with all IITians.


PreethZzZ said...

lol..what's going on?? No don't start feeling old and responsible already!!!